Maintaining the indoor air quality of your home is so important for your health and your property. Mold is often an invisible problem that is easy to overlook. That’s why we thrive on providing homeowners and businesses mold inspection services that identify potential issues and remove them if they exist. We understand mold and where to look for it. If you think you or someone in your family may be suffering from mold-related health conditions, or maybe you are just concerned about the possible presence of mold, there is no time like the present! Give us a call and we will be happy to schedule a home mold inspection at your convenience.
There are personal health and regulatory reasons businesses need to ensure their work spaces are safe for employees and customers alike. Our mold experts can evaluate and assess your commercial indoor air quality or mold problem and come up with a solution that’s right for you. Our mold inspection services include IAQ/mold sampling, environmental assessment, lab testing, and remediation protocol to ensure the problem is properly addressed.
If you are fortunate enough to not have a mold problem, it’s best to learn how to keep it that way.
While you can’t realistically expect to remove all mold from your indoor space, you can minimize it
to the point where it’s not a health threat or a visible problem for your home.
Here are some simple tips to prevent future mold infestation:
• Keep your home clean by regularly dusting, vacuuming and mopping.
• Keep rooms well ventilated, particularly those that are susceptible to mold growth,
like your bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room, and basement.
• Utilize exhaust fans when bathing.
• Also utilize hood vents when cooking or washing dishes.
• Use ceiling fans when possible to keep air circulating.
• Make it a routine to air out your home from time to time (when weather permits, of course).
• Regularly inspect and clean your air conditioner and furnace.
• If you notice a leak, whether it’s in your roof, siding, pipes, or foundation, don’t ignore it!
Have it fixed as soon as possible. You should also have the area dried by a professional
water restoration company.
• If your home doesn’t have gutters, it’s wise to have them installed. You also want to have
the downspouts end at least five feet away from your home.
No matter what the source of your
mold problem, call Florida Inspect Pro
today to get started clearing your air!